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If NPM is being used as package manager, use the following for installing the web3.js library.

npm i web3

For installing using yarn package manager:

yarn add web3

Note: Installing web3.js in this way will bring in all web3.js sub-packages, if you only need specific packages, it is recommended to install the specific required packages (e.g, if you want the contract package npm i web3-eth-contract instead)

Importing Web3.js

Web3.js v4 supports both CJS ( CommonJS ) and native ESM module imports. For importing the main Web3 class in CJS you can use:

const { Web3 } = require('web3');

and for ESM style imports, you can use:

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

Initialize Web3 with a provider

Web3.js is in compliance with EIP-1193 so any EIP-1193 provider can be injected in web3.js . There are HTTP, WebSocket and IPC providers also available as web3.js packages for using.


You must initialize the Web3 object with a provider, otherwise, you won't be able to fully use web3.js functionalities. Here is an example of creating a web3 instance with an HTTP provider:

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

//private RPC endpoint
const web3 = new Web3('');

//or public RPC endpoint
//const web3 = new Web3('');

// ↳ 18849658n

Querying the blockchain

After instantiating the web3 instance with a new Web3 provider, we can access the web3.eth package to fetch data from the blockchain:

// get the balance of an address
await web3.eth.getBalance('0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045');
// ↳ 114438180989009447638n

// get last block number
await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
// ↳ 18849658n

// get the chain id of the current provider
await web3.eth.getChainId();
// ↳ 1n

// get the nonce of an address
await web3.eth.getTransactionCount('0x37826D8B5F4B175517A0f42c886f8Fca38C55Fe7');
// ↳ 7n

// get the current gas price
await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
// ↳ 23879160756n

Setting up a wallet

If you want to write data/interact with contracts or send transactions on the blockchain, you must have an account with funds to cover the gas fees.

The object Wallet is an array of accounts, it will allow you to hold several accounts from which you can send transactions web3.eth.sendTransaction or interact with contract objects web3.eth.contract.methods.contractfunction().send(), when you perform these actions, the Wallet object uses the account/s it holds to send the transactions.

Create random wallet

//create random wallet with 1 account
/* ↳
address: '0xcE6A5235d6033341972782a15289277E85E5b305',
privateKey: '0x50d349f5cf627d44858d6fcb6fbf15d27457d35c58ba2d5cfeaf455f25db5bec',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
_accountProvider: {
create: [Function: createWithContext],
privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccountWithContext],
decrypt: [Function: decryptWithContext]
_addressMap: Map(1) { '0xce6a5235d6033341972782a15289277e85e5b305' => 0 },
_defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'

Add a private key to create a wallet

//the private key must start with the '0x' prefix
const account = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add('0x50d349f5cf627d44858d6fcb6fbf15d27457d35c58ba2d5cfeaf455f25db5bec');

//↳ 0xcE6A5235d6033341972782a15289277E85E5b305

//↳ 0x50d349f5cf627d44858d6fcb6fbf15d27457d35c58ba2d5cfeaf455f25db5bec

Send transactions

Sending value
//add an account to a wallet
const account = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add('0x50d349f5cf627d44858d6fcb6fbf15d27457d35c58ba2d5cfeaf455f25db5bec');

//create transaction object to send 1 eth to '0xa32...c94' address from the account[0]
const tx =
from: account[0].address,
to: '0xa3286628134bad128faeef82f44e99aa64085c94',
value: web3.utils.toWei('1', 'ether')
//the `from` address must match the one previously added with wallet.add

//send the transaction
const txReceipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(tx);

console.log('Tx hash:', txReceipt.transactionHash)
// ↳ Tx hash: 0x03c844b069646e08af1b6f31519a36e3e08452b198ef9f6ce0f0ccafd5e3ae0e

Interact with smart contracts

Instantiate a contract

The first step to interact with a contract is to instantiate the contract, for which we will need the ABI and the address of the contract

//Uniswap token address in mainnet
const address = '0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984'

//you can find the complete ABI in
const ABI =
name: 'symbol',
outputs: [{ type: 'string' }],
type: 'function',
name: 'totalSupply',
outputs: [{ type: 'uint256' }],
type: 'function',

//instantiate the contract
const uniswapToken = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);


//make the call to the contract
const symbol = await uniswapToken.methods.symbol().call();

console.log('Uniswap symbol:',symbol);
// ↳ Uniswap symbol: UNI

//make the call to the contract
const totalSupply = await uniswapToken.methods.totalSupply().call();

console.log('Uniswap Total supply:', totalSupply);
// ↳ Uniswap Total Supply: 1000000000000000000000000000n

//use web3 utils to format the units
console.log(web3.utils.fromWei(totalSupply, 'ether'))
// ↳ 1000000000


//address to send the token
const to = '0xcf185f2F3Fe19D82bFdcee59E3330FD7ba5f27ce';

//value to transfer (1 with 18 decimals)
const value = web3.utils.toWei('1','ether');

//send the transaction => return the Tx receipt
const txReceipt = await uniswapToken.methods.transfer(to,value).send({from: account[0].address});

console.log('Tx hash:',txReceipt.transactionHash);
// ↳ Tx hash: 0x14273c2b5781cc8f1687906c68bfc93482c603026d01b4fd37a04adb6217ad43

Query past events

//get past `Transfer` events from block 18850576
const eventTransfer = await uniswapToken.getPastEvents('Transfer', { fromBlock: 18850576 });

// ↳ [{...},{...}, ...] array with all the events emitted
//you can only query logs from the previous 100_000 blocks

Listening to live events


You MUST initialize the Web3 provider with a WebSocket endpoint to subscribe to live events

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

//WebSocket provider
const web3 = new Web3('wss://');

//instantiate contract
const uniswapToken = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address)

//create the subcription to all the 'Transfer' events
const subscription =;

//listen to the events
// ↳ [{...},{...}, ...] live events will be printed in the console

Live code editor (Stackblitz)

Feel free to interact with other Web3Eth methods by typing web3.eth. + Ctrl + space bar and you will see all the available methods.

Then run the following command in the console:

  • For JavaScript node index.js
  • For Typescript ts-node index.ts

And you'll see the result printed in the console.


You can click in the top-left menu to navigate between the different files of the live code project

Live code editor (CodeSandBox)